7 Health Tips Every Woman Needs to Remember

Many women succumb to the temptation of looking after others’ needs and health before taking care of their own.

You are actually better able to care for those most important to your health if you make your healthcare a priority.

These 7 health tips will help you live a healthier life, regardless of your age and overall health.

1.) Stop smoking. This will significantly reduce your risk of developing heart and lung disease.

2.) Keep up with your annual wellness check. This can help increase your chances of being able to detect any chronic diseases or conditions early, and in turn, improve your chances of addressing any problems.

Freak in the Sheets sex toy tips

Tip No. 1:

Although it’s tempting to buy dildo toys from the Freak in the Sheets safe environment of your computer, I’d recommend that you go to an actual brick and mortar shop, at least until you’re comfortable enough to know what to search for, which brands you prefer, etc. My favorite store is called Early to Bed in Edgewater.

Tip No. 2:

Start cheap. Although the cheaper ones aren’t likely to last for as long (if you take good care of them they might), but nothing hurts more than dumping a large lump (of cash) on the crystal double dodg only to realize that you don’t enjoy it. Don’t overspend.

Tip No. 3:

Start with a small amount. It’s tempting to reach to the Ron Jeremy dildo, as it looks small in comparison to the wine-sized dildo behind it. However, the general consensus is that our eyes can sometimes be bigger than our vaginas. It is better to work your way to the top of the scale, especially if you are trying out anal playthings.

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3.) Sleep is essential. Regular sleep is important for fighting the signs and symptoms of aging. It also promotes mental alertness, which helps to keep stress levels under control.

4.) Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. If you must be outdoors, use broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a SPF 30 or higher.

5.) Every year, see your doctor. Regular wellness screenings and checks can help you detect problems early, even if your body is feeling well.

6.) Make physical activity a priority in your life. Even if you have only 20 minutes a day to exercise, a lifetime habit of regular exercise benefits your heart health and helps you manage your stress levels and weight.

7.) Good nutrition should be a priority. Do not eat crash diets or indulge in excess. Instead, eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies.

A daily physical activity routine that involves 20-30 minutes of cardio activity per day (such as running, swimming or hiking) is recommended to maintain heart health, weight control, stress reduction, and good overall health. It may be beneficial to add weight lifting or other strength training activities to your exercise program, especially as you age. This will help prevent the loss of bone density.